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How to Maximize Efficiency in Ground Mounted Solar Power

Nov 27, 2024

Optimize site selection and ensure sufficient sunlight
As with any solar energy system incorporating efficiency, ground mounted solar power has a high dependence on its placement and installation. Opting for a south-facing and unobstructed placement is fundamental. Ideally, the site selected should be free off skyscrapers, vegetation or any other obstructions that may cast a shadow. Furthermore, the geographical context and the season should be taken into account to guarantee satisfactory lighting in all seasons.

Employ high-efficiency photovoltaic modules
Ground mounted solar powerheart is a photovoltaic module and its effectiveness determines how optimal the energy generated throughout a system. Solar energy systems that make use of high-efficiency solar panels have better chances in raising the output of ground mounted solar power systems. Newer better ones are high-efficiency photovoltaic modules that use the PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) battery technology among others, which gives more power through better photoelectric conversion rates in a smaller area.


Change the position and the angle of tilt
To get the best efficiency of power generation in ground mounted solar power, the photovoltaic panel needs to be oriented and tilted depending on the geographical location. Normally, for the case of solar panels, ideal tilt angles are approximated to levels of local latitude and the southern orientation (for the northern hemisphere). The orientation of the solar panel can be modified using adjustable brackets allowing for the maximum efficiency to be realized, by adjusting for the solar angle throughout the solar year.

Super Solar: Offering effective solar systems mounted on ground
With the experience of several years, Super Solar has matured into an manufacturer aimed at providing efficient and reliable ground mounted solar power. Our product range consists of a variety of ground bracket structures such as aluminum foundation structures, pile foundation structures and prestressed cable flexible structures to cater for different usage scenarios. The ground solar energy system offered by Super Solar not only has an excellent generation efficiency, but also has a great endurance and stability, which capable of long time stable work under a diversity of environment.

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